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  1. The MPK and MPD series controllers allow for advanced ability to control MIDI information being sent to your DAW. Infrequently but sometimes, a user may run into a problem related to the programming inside the actual product. Although Akai does not often recommend updating the firmware, sometimes it is neccessary. The following guide walks through the procedure to erase and update the firmware.
  2. Check that the country setting at the top of the screen matches the language of your Office for Mac installation. Click Downloads to open the Downloads page. In the Office for Mac updates area, click the update version of the product that you want under Available Downloads. Click Download Now.

Welcometo MPC Maid!

MPCMaid ('MM') is a software editor for the Akai MPC 1000, MPC2500, and MPC 500:

  • Works on Mac, PC, and other platforms (Java) and makes the edition of MPC programs files easy.

  • Switch between the MPC 500 12-pads layout or the MPC 1000 16-pads layout (also takes care of the correct number of filters and sliders thanks to the built-in machine profiles).

  • Simply drag and drop your samples files onto the pads, and it automatically assigns them, one on each pad or one on each sample layer.

  • Export the full program and every related sample file together to the target location of your choice.

  • Also features a semi-automatic slicing tool: drop your loop file to have it chopped into slices based on a beat detection mechanism.

  • Direct export of the chopped slices as multiple .WAV files, one corresponding .PGM program file and one MIDI groove .MID file.

  • Multiple window, one window for one program, simply drag and drop a .PGM program file will open a new window for this program.



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Downloadthe unique .jar fromhttps://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=252031

Double-clickon it, MPC Maid must show.

Getthe PDFdocumentation here.

Thiswebsite for the project can be found here, and the projectsummary page here.


InWindows, if Winzip or Winrar tries to decompress the file thisprobably means you do not have Java installed yet. Go tohttp://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jspanddownload the JRE (1.6 update 12 at the time of writing) then followthe very simple instructions. In 2mn you can be done.

OnMac OS X:


Viewof the 12-pads layout for the MPC 500:

MPCMaid offers a small slice editor to chop loops into their beatsquickly: just drag and drop a loop in .WAV format into it:

Theeditor seamlessly processes the file to detect every beat and marksthem with red markers. The slider on the right is a sensitivitysettings to help tweak the detection: just move it to see thechanges.

Clickthe Export button, and the loop will be exported as several .WAVfiles (one for each slice), a MIDI groove .MID file (a chromaticsequence that has the same onset as the original loop), and of coursethe MPC program .PGM file that goes with the slices samples.

Ifyou copy every exported file to your MPC, then open the .PGM, youhave the loop chopped on each pad! If you also open the .MID sequencethen you can replay the original loop, then vary its tempo in aREX-like fashion!

MPC Maid is offered for free foreveryone so that you can get the best out of your MPC. You can use itforever without any limitation. If you feel like supporting thisproject then you can send feedback, contribute to the code andtesting, and you can also donate what you want.


MPC Maid ('MM') Copyright2009 Cyrille Martraire

Projecthomepage: http://mpcmaid.sourceforge.net/

MPC Maid is strongly inspired by theexcellent MPC Pad 187 by Stephen Norum, that is unfortunately notportable on other OS'es than Mac OS X.

MPC1000 File Format

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Based on the extensive documentationprovided by Stephen Norum:


Automatic Slicing

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Beatdetection follows the excellent guide 'Beat DetectionAlgorithms' from Frédéric Patin: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/beatdetection/

Portablebrowser launcher (help):http://www.centerkey.com/java/browser/

Bare Bones Browser Launch Version 1.5(December 10, 2005)

By Dem Pilafian. Public Domain Software-- Free to Use as You Like

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Logo design by Yunshan Xia

Copyright Cyrille Martraire 2009 –LGPL license